Welcome to the world of Cosmogony: Templar's Medallion, an upcoming six-part film odyssey, envisioned by the Australian award-winning composer and author Endel Rivers. For those with an affinity for esoteric intrigue and the arcane, this creation will resonate on a profoundly captivating level.

Unveiling Enigmatic Convergences

Imagine a realm where storytelling doesn't fit the conventional mold. A realm known as hyperlink cinema, where narratives weave through interconnected events and storylines, creating an intricate mosaic that engages the intellect, tugs at emotions, and unlocks mysteries beyond measure.

At the heart of this labyrinthine narrative, two central figures - a man and a woman - embark on a journey across epochs. From the mysteries shrouding antiquity and the intrigue of the Middle Ages, their journey leaps seamlessly through time, connecting past, present, and future. Yet, it's more than just temporal acrobatics; it's an exploration of the hidden layers that tie these figures and eras together.

The Impact of Chance and Expression

Beneath the surface, a thematic undercurrent emerges - the impact of the unforeseen on human destinies. The film showcases the impact of chance and circumstance, eclipsing the predictability of expectations and beliefs.

In a nod to cinematic pioneers like Stanley Kubrick, dialogue takes a back seat in select episodes, allowing the visual and auditory elements to take center stage, creating an atmosphere where meaning transcends spoken words.

Uncovering Mysteries Across Time

Cosmogony: Templar's Medallion isn't just a film or solely a compelling story. Beyond entertainment, it's meant to challenge preconceptions and encourage questioning and reflection, as it ventures into the enigmas of the Great Pyramid, the Book of Revelation, the Hindu Shri Yantra, and more, revealing connections between them unlike anything seen before.

When watching this film, prepare to journey beyond the screen; delve into the intricate narrative layers, explore the thematic depths, and uncover the vision that propels this story, leaving you to ponder its themes long after the curtains close.


In a tale that blurs the boundaries of space, time, and dreams, the fates of our protagonists - Man and Woman - are woven into the fabric of space-time itself.

Amidst distant future space exploration, Woman recounts a peculiar dream to her partner, Man, vividly describing mystical places and symbols, and their extraordinary encounter at the elusive Mystery Castle. The dream isn't bound by slumber; it's a force that propels them into an adventure through lifetimes and ages.

In a fluid evolution of characters, they live as an Egyptian High Priest and Queen in antiquity, a Latin Templar and a Slavic Princess in the Middle Ages, and a European Anthropologist and Russian Artist in the present - all portrayed by the same actors. Their roles shift, yet their fate remain interwoven.

There's also another persona who influences their paths, shaping a narrative that defies time itself: the 13th century Grand Duke of Novgorod with his companion, appearing as an enigmatic Host of a masquerade with his partner in the present day, and a young Pharaoh in antiquity.

The journey deepens with each episode. The first episode, "Inception", sets the stage in a distant future as Woman tells Man about her dream.

In the second episode, "Resurrection", and the following three episodes: "Borderland", "Crossroads", and "Insofi", their encounters are tied to real historical and biblical events, all tied to Mystery Castle.

In the finale, "Revelation", the Mystery Castle's true nature is unveiled. What was once deemed a mere dream emerges as a reality more profound than they could have imagined.



A distant future. During a space exploration mission, Woman recounts a peculiar dream she saw to her partner, Man.

Woman's dream takes us to Mystery Castle where Princess witnesses mystical scenes while cradling her baby, only to be saved by Templar as the castle crumbles. The cradle disappears in a radiant light.

Back in the spaceship Woman describes the dream's mysterious symbols, prompting Man to reveal an ancient medallion that bears a striking resemblance to Templar's.


16th century BC. A foundling raised by Queen and High Priest is destined to become a pharaoh. Attending the Resurrection of Osiris ceremony as part of his initiation, High Priest presents a mystical medallion as a gift to the young pharaoh.

In the present day (shown in parallel), Anthropologist and Artist, exploring their roots in Egypt, stumble upon unexpected discoveries within the same temple, connecting their journey to the past.


Present day (a year earlier). Artist and Anthropologist's paths converge near two castles on the Estonian-Russian border. Their chance meeting leads to a supernatural experience that sets the stage for an unusual connection.


In the 13th century, Templar carries a secret message from the Pope to the Grand Duke of Novgorod. On his way, Templar rescues Princess, who was captured by the Mongol warlords. As they flee the Mongols, they share their stories. The medallion he wears becomes a focal point of their conversation, intertwining their destinies.


In the present day, continuing from Episode III, the bond between Anthropologist and Artist deepens after their supernatural encounter. During a boat ride on Lake Peipus, they are invited to a lavish masquerade at a mansion on the shore.

The host, who is also the founder of a club called Insofi, shows them his collection of artifacts, which includes an antique medallion. Astonished and intrigued by the strange chain of events, to find answers, Anthropologist asks Artist to join him on his upcoming trip to Egypt (as seen in Episode II).


In a distant future, continuing from Episode I, the space exploration mission takes an unforeseen turn as Man and Woman face a black hole's gravitational pull. Man is drawn into a mysterious wormhole, while Woman's perspective shifts to the Event Horizon. As these events unfold, the true meaning of the medallion's symbol is revealed, connecting back to the enigma of Mystery Castle.

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